GO 4 Schools
What is GO 4 Schools?
GO 4 Schools is an online portal you can use to track your son’s/daughter’s performance data (assessment results). This data is updated each day allowing you to obtain the most accurate summary of progress without having to wait for a Learning Check.
What will I be able to see in detail?
When you login to GO 4 Schools you will be taken to your son’s/ daughter’s profile which contains the following information.
Assessment Information for each of the curriculum subjects
Target: Agreed between teacher and student; this should be a challenging and realistic aspiration for the end of the key stage and can be reviewed and updated any time to reflect progress being made. Review discussion can be initiated by student, teacher or parent
Predicted Grade/Level: a forecast for the end of the key stage based on current evidence from lessons and assessment activities. Different subjects will use different forms of assessment activity to arrive at the Predicted Grade/Level.
Current Grade/Level: indication of Grade/Level achieved so far. Frequently adjusted as the student progresses.
Actual Grade/Level: for Year 11, 12 and 13 it will display the exam results after they have been made public.
Attendance Information
This information is updated at the end of each school day. Please be aware that some absences may be recorded as unauthorised until such time that we receive confirmation from parents that the absence was due to illness, medical appointment etc. Please note there are two reporting points in every school day, morning and afternoon registration. For example six authorised/unauthorised absence marks could mean three full authorised/unauthorised absence days.
Behaviour Information
We believe that the most effective teaching and learning takes place in a well-managed environment, one that is calm, happy and safe for the whole school community. Our Behaviour Policy focuses on Positive Behaviour, which supports learning and promotes, celebrates and recognises achievement.
All students will be able to gain recognition that will remain relevant through Years 7 to 13. There is an emphasis on recognising and celebrating positive behaviour. Staff will not take for granted those students who go “Above and Beyond” as we will be able to instil pride, self-esteem and a sense of belonging. This would leave rewards to the people who are best placed to give them i.e. parents and carers. We need to connect rewards at home with effort in class. We will use Postcards of Praise, emails and phone calls to communicate this.
If students do make mistakes then we will record these on the Go4Schools system which can be viewed by parents/carers at any time.
Progress Reports
All Progress Reports are available to view as PDF documents. These can be downloaded and printed. They also contain attributes for motivation, independent learning, and resilience, behaviours for learning and communication & relationships.
For Years 7 and 8 they also contain all indication of progress made.
Logging on for the first time
- You will need to use an email address that you have registered with Stowmarket High School. If you have already provided us with an email address then this will be your login for GO 4 Schools.
- To login to GO 4 Schools visit http://www.go4schools.com and click on the Parents icon in the top right of the screen.
- Please enter your email address in the First Time User box then click on the ‘Please send me a password’ box.
- Your temporary password will be sent to your email account (please allow 10 minutes for this to arrive).
- Once you have logged-in to Go 4 Schools for the first time, please re-set your password under ‘my settings’ for security.
Please note:
This process will only work with an email address which you have registered with Stowmarket High School. Please contact b.earrye@stowhigh.com in order to update your email address or for any other access enquiries.